
artist living in a browser

co-founder and member of Do Something Good

more info ⓘ updated 02.15.2024

Damjanski is an artist living in a browser. Concerned with themes of power, poetry and participation, he explores the concept of apps as artworks. The app Bye Bye Camera is the camera for the post-human era. Every picture people take automatically removes any person. The app Never Not There transformed the ZKM museum in Karlsruhe, Germany into a dystopian server room and the LongARcat app creates long cats in AR.
In 2018, he co-founded MoMAR, an Augmented Reality gallery app aimed at democratizing physical exhibition spaces, art institutions and curatorial processes within New York’s Museum of Modern Art. WIRED covered the launch with the headline "Augmented Reality Is Transforming Museums".
He created an online space that only programs can access. This software performance, called Humans not invited, first hit Reddit’s front page before it was shown at the König Galerie in Berlin.
In 2023, he launched Still Here, a site-specific and permanent Augmented Reality sculpture of himself floating above the entire island of Manhattan in New York.
His work has appeared internationally at the ZKM Karlsruhe, Centre Pompidou, NRW-Forum, Postmasters, Roehrs & Boetsch, Pioneer Works, König Galerie, MoCDA, Tropez, Import Projects. Currently Damjanski resides in New York.

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Sleepover 2024, online performance @ New Float, www

Sleepover is an online exhibition and performance. At the opening, people were invited to join New Float’s virtual space and put down their phones/laptops to take a communal 30-minute nap..

More info about the exhibition here

Visit the exhibition here

Magenta Elephants 2024, sculptures, app @ Office Impart, Berlin

A URL diorama created with IRL sculptures based on the object detection process. Accompanying the exhibition is the 'Self Portrait' app. Exhibition text by Charlotte Kent.

More info about the exhibition here

Download the 'Self Portrait' app here

Self Portrait 2024, app

The app 'Self Portrait' only works when the artist, Damjanski, is present in the picture. If he is in the picture, he will be deleted and replaced with a bounding box labeled 'damjanski #[number of pictures created until then],' based on the artist's 'Self Portrait' sculpture that is part of the 'Magenta Elephants' exhibition at Office Impart in Berlin.

Download the 'Self Portrait' app here

See outtakes from the 'Self Portrait' app here

More info about the exhibition here

Unhuman Composition Moving 2024, software, projection @ Photo Elysée, Lausanne

A site-specific 'Unhuman Composition' that is generatively moving. It's based on the dapp Unhuman Composition.

More info about the site specific installation here

More pictures of the 'Unhuman Composition Moving' here

Nude Study RGB Dance 2024, choreography, video, software @ NEORT++, Tokyo

This piece is part of the group show 'Web as a Medium' and was realized with the help of Julie Seal, a movement artist, who performed a choreography inspired by the RGB color theme.

See the full video here

More info about it here

Tlönish 2024, A.i. software, print @ Artemis Gallery, Lisbon

The work 'Tlönish' is a rendition of Jorge Luis Borges‘ 1940 short story 'Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius', delving into themes of reality, language, and existence. Borges depicted the language of Tlön as devoid of nouns, relying instead on impersonal verbs modified by monosyllabic suffixes or prefixes. For instance, ‚The moon rose above the river‘ in Tlönish reads: ‚Upward behind the onstreaming it mooned.‘ Using artificial intelligence, Damjanski developed the Tlönish language and translated the short story into 'Tlönish’.

More info about it here

The dress, the wind and me 2024, sculpture @ Postmasters, Budapest

In 'The Seven Year Itch,' actress Marilyn Monroe famously stands over a subway grate, her white dress billowing from the air of a passing train. Wearing the same dress at this location, Damjanski replicated the scene, filmed himself in the exact position, and uploaded the video to a dedicated website. A customized laptop intermittently activates fans, triggering updates on the website that synchronize with the fluttering of the dress in the video.

More info about it here

KAiRAiOKE Venice 2024, A.i. performance with Aarea @ Venice, Italy

A performance that utilizes artificial intelligence technology to generate videos in real time from karaoke singing. Developed in partnership with David Lobser and in collaboration with at a karaoke bar in Venice, Italy.

More pics & videos here

More info about it here

Not To Do app 2024, app

Receive daily reminders of things you should not do, such as downloading this app.

More info about it here

Get the app here

unhuman 2023, print, acryl with Office Impart @ Paris Photo, Paris

A selection of Unhuman Compositions – digital C prints behind acrylic and mounted on aluminium.

More pics here

Detail shot here

KAiRAiOKE São Paulo 2023, A.i. performance with Aarea & Ybytu @ São Paulo

A performance that utilizes artificial intelligence technology to generate videos in real time from karaoke singing. Developed in partnership with David Lobser and realized in collaboration with Aarea and Ybytu at a karaoke bar in Japantown, São Paulo.

More pics & videos here

More info about Aarea and Ybytu

My fav video here

Napster Portal 2023, pillows, augmented reality app with Postmasters @ Photofairs, New York

A portal for Napster, a peer-to-peer nap sharing service, to find places for Damjanski to take a nap.

More pics here

Still Here 2023, app, augmented reality sculpture, New York

A site-specific Augmented Reality sculpture above Manhattan, New York.

Pics from the soft launch here

More info here

Pamera 2023, app

Take a picture and automatically turn it into a poem via A.i.

Get the app here

celebration.obj 2023, augmented reality trophy for Rhizome Benefit @ New York

'celebration.obj' are 5 Augmented Reality trophies commissioned by Rhizome for the honorees of their 2023 Benefit Dinner at the New Museum.

More info here

See a video of the work here

Napster 2023, augmented reality app @ Postmasters, New York

A peer to peer nap sharing service to find places for Damjanski to take a nap. The launch of the app took place in a mattress store in New York.

More info about the opening here

Get the app here

Post Human Dogs 2023, augmented photography @ Postmasters, New York

The series is part of the group exhibition 'Machine Violence'.

More info about the group show here

Sie liebt mich, sie liebt mich nicht v2 2023, software performance @ :DDD Kunst House, Yerevan

Two synthetic bots commenting alternately on a daisy flower on Instagram: "She Loves Me" & "She Loves Me Not" until Instagram shuts one down and the next comment from the other bot determines the outcome.

See the outcome

Bye Bye Camera installation 2023, app, sculpture @ Palazzo Cipolla, Rome

This installation is part of the group exhibition 'Ipotesi Metaverso'.

More info about the group show here

Download app here

Inside: Balloon Dog 2023, augmented reality sculpture @ Goethe-Institut, Buenos Aires

Inside: Balloon Dog is a web-based and site-specific Augmented Reality sculpture and part of the group exhibition 'El centro ha muerto, viva el centro'.

More info about the group show here

Nude Study (motion) 2022, gifs @ SODA, Manchester

Site specific 'Nude Study (motion)' for SODA’s pixel facade in Manchester.

Never Not There 2022, augmented reality app, sculpture @ ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe

The Never Not There app transformed the ZKM into a dystopian server room.

Get the app here

ⓦⒽⒶⓣ ⒾⓈ ⓜⓨ ⓢⒺⓔⒹ ⓅⒽⓇⓐⓈⓔ 2022, online performance, www

The NFT ⓦⒽⒶⓣ ⒾⓈ ⓜⓨ ⓢⒺⓔⒹ ⓅⒽⓇⓐⓈⓔ represents the seed phrase of the wallet 0xCEAFbEC0C3e02CEcDbB5E7412092890c1Dff058d that holds it currently. Each word of the seed phrase was used as a prompt for DALL·E. Anyone can grab the NFT if they guess the right words and log into the wallet.

More info about the NFT here

Ai Hero Manifesto 2022, A.i. generated video

Together with Fabiola Larios and Moises Sanabria, we turned Marina Abramović's 'Hero Manifesto' into a video.

Read the manifesto here

Outside In 2022, augmented reality sculpture @ Zentrum für netzkunst / panke.gallery, Berlin

Outside In is a web-based and site-specific Augmented Reality exhibition together with Manuel Rossner realized on openAR.

More info about the show here

Nude Study Triptych RGB 2022, gif @ VerticalCrypto Art, New York

This piece is part of the group exhibition 'The Digital Roots'.

More info about the group show here

ƜƐВ੨ ШЄƁƷ BOT installation 2022, A.i. bot installation @ Internet Pavilion, Venice

Showcasing the A.i. Twitter bot ƜƐВ੨ ШЄƁƷ BOT as it tries to figure out the difference between Web2 and Web3.

More info here

Crypto.OGenerator 2022, decentralized app, www

The Crypto.OGenerator creates crypto OG badge NFTs that are determined by the person's first interaction with the ETH blockchain. All crypto OG badges are fully stored and rendered onchain - they are mutable and add an 'O' every year moving forward.

More info here

ШƐƁ④ BOT 2022, A.i. bot, Twitter

An A.i. Twitter bot trying to figure out what web4 could be.

More info here

OGenerator 2022, decentralized app, www

The OGenerator creates OG badge NFTs that display the moment when a person began their involvement in art and technology, directly from their wallet. All OG badges are fully stored and rendered onchain - they are mutable and add an 'O' every year moving forward.

More info here

ƜƐВ੨ ШЄƁƷ BOT 2022, A.i. bot, Twitter

An A.i. Twitter bot trying to figure out the difference between web2 & web3.

More info here

Unhuman Compositions 2022, decentralized app, www

Unhuman Compositions is a collection of 777 participatory generative photography NFTs – each generated when you take a photo with the camera of your smartphone. Each NFT is fully stored and rendered on chain.

More info here

MoMAR v4 2021, gallery @ MoMA New York

The group show 'Augmented Species', curated by Tina Sauerlaender and Ursula Ströbele, brings together five artists: Sofia Crespo & Feileacan McCormick, Tamiko Thiel, Carla Gannis and Joanna Hoffmann. MoMAR v4 is an international touring exhibition of AR-sculptures in museums and sculpture gardens around the world.

More info here

See all the locations here

Nude Study triptych 2021, gifs @ Artemis Gallery, Lisbon

This piece is part of the group exhibition 'Brinks of Perception'.

More info about the group show here

Algorithm of the Cave 2021, augmented reality sculpture @ NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf

This piece is part of the 'AR Biennale' at the digial sculpture garden of the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf.

More info about the biennale here

longARcat 2021, app

Create the longest longcats in Augmented Reality.

More info here

Download app here

Nude Study 36 2021, augmented photography @ König Galerie, Decentraland

This piece is part of the group exhibition THE ARTIST IS ONLINE curated by Anika Meier and Johann König at the König gallery in Decentraland.

More info about the group show here

Visit the exhibition in Decentraland here

Damjanski app 2021, app

Deepfake everyone with my face.

More info here

Download iOS app here

Download Android app here

Select all squares with memes 01:13 01.07.2019 2021, sculpture @ König Galerie, Berlin

This sculpture is part of the group exhibition THE ARTIST IS ONLINE. PAINTING AND SCULPTURE IN THE POSTDIGITAL AGE curated by Anika Meier and Johann König at the König gallery in Berlin. 'Select all squares with memes 01:13 01.07.2019' is a physical manifestation of the permanently available online performance, Humans not invited, which is a reversed CAPTCHA that filters out humans and is only accessible to bots.

More info about the group show here

Computer Goggles – Untitled Composition 2 2021, non-human composition @ MoCDA, www

This piece is part of the group exhibition 'Abstract Art in the Age of New Media' curated by Marie Chatel and Serena Tabacchi at the Museum of Contemporary Digital Art.

More info here

Visit the group show here

FitArt – Female Body 2020, app, group show with Roehrs & Boetsch, Zurich

FitArt provides art shows on your phone in the form of a fitness plan. The application is designed as a series of workouts, featuring exercises created by artists: !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Alexandra Bachzetsis, Johanna Bruckner, Giulia Essyad, Juliette Gampert, Maëlle Gross, Maria Guta, Esther Hunziker, Douna Lim & Théo Pesso, Katrin Niedermeier, Simone C. Niquille / Technoflesh, Colette Sadler & Mikko Gaestel, Ramaya Tegegne & Soraya Lutangu and Teresa Vittucci. This exhibition is realized with the support of Pro Helvetia

More info here

Computer Goggles 2020, app

This application captures the world like an algorithm sees it. Below is a picture of me taken with the app.

Download app here

FitArt – Connected in Isolation 2020, group show with Roehrs & Boetsch, Zurich

FitArt provides art shows on your phone in the form of a fitness plan. The application is designed as a series of workouts, featuring exercises created by artists: Petra Cortright, JODI, Olia Lialina, Constant Dullaart, exonemo, Elisa Giardina Papa, Lauren Huret, Molly Soda, Jeremy Bailey, Sam Lavigne, Jillian Mayer, Evan Roth, Sebastian Schmieg and Damjanski.

More info here

Contagion Post Human - Trailer 2020, video @ Tropez, Berlin

Contagion Post Human - Trailer is a trailer for the upcoming full Contagion Post Human movie (1h 46min). It's part of the series called Post Human Media.

More info here

Public Viewing: Contagion Post Human - Trailer 2020, performance

A public viewing of the Contagion Post Human - Trailer during the pandamic in New York.

More info here

Post Human Dogs 2020, augmented photography

Post Human Dogs is a new series that I started during the COVID phase here in New York. Every day I try to make 5k steps to stay healthy and sane. During my walks I realized that the almost deserted city resembles my Bye Bye Camera (www.byebye.camera) pictures that I have been taking since last year – no humans on the streets. During my walks I came across dog owners. The application uses neural networks to erase humans from the picture but the camera keeps the human traces as well as the dogs. I compare these visual traces to surreal artifacts of a speculative scenario that is post-human.

More info here

humans not invited - IRL 2020, installation @ Roehrs & Boetsch, Zurich

The installation Humans Not Invited - IRL is a physical manifestation of the permanently available online performance, Humans not invited, which is a reversed CAPTCHA that filters out humans and is only accessible to bots.

More info here

Post Human Media 2020, video

This is the original Contagion trailer without humans. More coming soon.

More info here

Nude Study 29 2019, augmented photography @ CADAF, Miami

'Nude Study 29' was part of the CADAF fair during Art Basel in Miami. This piece is part of a new series called 'Nude Studies' where I explore photography with the Bye Bye Camera.

More info here

liberty 2019, augmented photography @ a2p, www

This piece was part of the a2p online exhibition curated by Casey Reas, Rick Silva, Addie Wagenknecht and exonemo.

More info here

MoMAR v3 2019, gallery @ MoMA New York

The group show 'Open to the public' brings together four artists: exonemo, Erin Ko, Akihiko Taniguchi and Manuel Rossner.

More info here

We wanted flying cars 2019, installation @ NEW INC & ON CANAL, New York

This installation was part of the New Museum's incubator's group show "Digital Humanism".

More info here

Bye Bye Camera 2019, app

The Bye Bye Camera app is the camera for the post-human era. Every picture you take automatically removes any person.

More info here

Download app here

Natural selection 2019, ongoing performance series @ ON CANAL, New York

The project investigates ideas of collaboration with AI. Exploring the subject of thinking processes, I created an AI trained on archived MoMA exhibition statements. The exhibition comprises a headset where people can interact with the AI to create and print new exhibition statements.

More info here

Do you understand what all that smartness means? 2018, performance @ Pioneer Works, Brooklyn

Two of laptops holding a conversation through Google’s smart reply function.

More info here

Unterwasser Klang Installation Nr. 1 2018, performance @ Tropez, Berlin

The work consists of underwater speakers and live sounds from Hawaii's deepsea mixed with sounds of laser dolphins.

More info here

age-gate with attitude 2018, online performance

An opinionated age verification system.

Experience here

MoMAR v2 2018, gallery @ MoMA New York

'YouTube Artifacts' the first MoMAR solo exhibition brings together eight Youtube Artifacts created by David Kraftsow’s Youtube Artifact Bot

More info here

No Shutter 2018, app

The No Shutter app only takes pictures while the iPhone shutter is loading.

See more pictures here

Download app here

One: Number 1281912112811950 2018, gif @ MoMAR, New York

A hybrid character of Jackson Pollock, the artist, and Ed Harris, the actor who played him.

Experience here

Troll Candy 2018, installation @ SPRING/BREAK Art Show, New York

Troll Candy is a product sold in a bubble gum machine. People can buy delicious looking candy for a quarter but instead of receiving the ones on display they are served Troll Candy. It’s a piece of candy with the troll meme smile on it and it tastes bitter.

MoMAR v1 2018, gallery @ MoMA New York

An unauthorized gallery concept aimed at democratizing physical exhibition spaces, museums, and the curation of art within them. MoMAR is non-profit, non-owned, and exists in the absence of any privatized structures. MoMAR uses Augmented Reality to overlay art onto existing artwork and frames housed in museums and gallery spaces around the world. It’s also open source.

More info here

three times time 2018, online performance

Three different definitions of time.

Experience here

humans not invited 2018, online performance

A CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) that filters out humans and only lets programs pass. This is the first iteration of a system that I am working on.

Experience here

two times time 2018, video performance

Two different definitions of time.

See here

not human 2018, cover art

In collaboration with David Kraftsow and his youtube artifact bot we created the cover for elegant slims.

Listen to the song here

what am I pretending today? 2018, browser extension

The extension replaces in Facebook the most displayed question ‘What’s on your mind?’ with how most of the people answer the question in reality: ‘What are you pretending today?’.

Download here

blow_hot_and_cold 2017, installation @ Import Projects, Berlin

The work consists of a life-size politician mounted to a flag pole surrounded by eight fans connected to twitter. Each fan represents an opposing political opinion currently dividing the political landscape. blow_hot_and_cold exhibited during the German federal election 2017 when the dividing opinions included social justice, refugee reception, EU exit and the ‘Energiewende’.

More info here

biased_portraits 2017, portraits

Portraits shot with Pinterest's Lens.

More portraits here

Sie liebt mich, sie liebt mich nicht 2017, software performance

Two synthetic bots commenting alternately on a daisy flower on Instagram: "She Loves Me" & "She Loves Me Not" until Instagram shuts one down and the next comment from the other bot determines the outcome.

More info here

damjanskA.i. 2017, online performance

An A.i. called damjanskAi that developed an appreciation for art.

More info here

Around the world and dot in red 2017, online performance

A livestream is started in New York and is rebroadcast live from Lisbon, then to Berlin, then to Belgrade, then to Los Angeles and finally returned to New York. This creates an infinite loop of live streams that circle the world with a dot in red. It's the 3rd piece of the series It's just all now.

More here

Present Memories 2017, portrait

Experience here

3472242391 and hand in red 2017, online performance

A phone and a red hand in a live stream and everybody can call it and talk to the visitors of the website. It's the 2nd piece of the series It's just all now.

More here

Bees and herring in red 2017, online performance

It's the first piece of the series It's just all now. and consists of a Facebook live stream of Damjanski's Twitter live of Damjanski's Instagram live of Damjanski's Youtube live of his Facebook live... and a herring in red. The appearance of the herring in red in the live streams is connected to real world happenings that appear within his feeds outside of the live streams.

More here

blow_hot_and_cold 2016, installation @ IMAGE, Brooklyn

The work consists of a life-size politician mounted to a flag pole surrounded by eight fans connected to twitter. Each fan represents an opposing political opinion currently dividing the political landscape. blow_hot_and_cold premiered during the U.S. election 2016 when the dividing opinions included gun laws, climate change, health care, and abortion.

More info here

Endless Porno Kisses 2014, website

This site contains non-explicit adult material of pornstars kissing.

Experience here

Bible Me 2012, website

A personalized Bible that replaces every mention of God with your name.

The site is down but you can still experience it here

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